JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan views that the current flood management carried out by his staff is able to reduce flooding more quickly. This he conveyed in the National Coordination Meeting for Anticipating La Nina which was held by the BMKG.

"At the beginning of this year, it was felt that areas that normally flooded for three to four days, are now dry in less than a day," said Anies as seen on the BMKG Youtube channel, Friday, October 29.

Anies claimed that this condition could occur because he increased the elements of preparedness, responsiveness, and mobilization from the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government in tackling the impact of the Jakarta floods.

The former Minister of Education and Culture said that he always set targets for his subordinates. If the rainfall is below 100 millimeters on the main road, Anies targets that Jakarta will not flood.

"Our drainage system has a capacity of 100 millimeters per day. So, if it rains below 100 millimeters per day, the main road cannot flood," he said.

However, if the rainfall is above 100 millimeters per day, Anies admitted that Jakarta will be flooded. However, he again targeted his subordinates so that the flood could recede within 6 hours.

"We know now that the rain is extreme, especially with this La Nina, the potential for short-term intensive rain is very high. What are the tips? 6 hours must recede. 6 hours," said Anies.

Thus, Anies emphasized that flood management in the capital city focuses on results, not just the process that is carried out on all the resources of the DKI Provincial Government.

"Before the rainy season, simulations, division of tasks, operations for training were carried out. So, when the incident occurred, we could respond quickly. Why? Because now the lurah, sub-district, and BPBD officers have a target of 6 dry hours," he concluded.

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