JAKARTA - The movement of the terrorism suspects continues to be monitored. Eastern Indonesia has not gone unnoticed. Until finally, eight suspected terrorists were arrested in the Jayapura area, Papua.

These arrests began on Friday, December 6. Initially, only one person was arrested. But a day later, Densus 88 Anti-terror arrested seven other people.

However, the identities of the eight suspected terrorists who were arrested are not yet known. The Head of Public Relations DivHumas Polri, Kombes Asep Adi Saputra, also only said that they were the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) group from the Lampung and Medan networks.

Seeing the location of the arrests, there was a suspicion that terror acts in the Jayapura area would reoccur. However, this was strongly denied.

"No indication was found that they would carry out (acts of terror) in Papua," said Asep in Jakarta, Thursday, December 19.

Based on the investigation of the terrorist suspects, their presence in Papua was only temporary. However, the Papua region is said to be an area for the expansion of the struggle.

The flight of suspected terrorists to Papua has also happened before. Some time ago, a group of suspected terrorists who managed to escape when the prosecution fled to eastern Indonesia. Feeling safe, they returned to Java to spread acts of terror.

"Some time ago there was an incident of law enforcement in Lampung. They fled to Papua. After Papua they carried out the action in Bekasi," said Asep.

"(The reason for being in Papua) is because they feel pressured from various regions by the security forces," said Asep as he concluded his statement.

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