MATARAM - Director of the General Criminal Investigation of the West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police Kombes Hari Brata, revealed that Bripka MN shot his fellow police officer, First Brigadier HT, from close range.

"The positions are opposite, so the shooting range is very close, only 70 centimeters," said Hari Brata in Mataram, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, October 27.

He explained that the shooting took place at the gate of the house where the victim lived, namely in the Griya Pesona Madani BTN area, East Lombok Regency.

"His position was when he (the victim) opened the gate, the weapon was then pointed at (the perpetrator). So at the gate (the shooting action), immediately, "he said.

Before finally shooting HT using the SS-V2 Sabhara individual assault rifle, Hari said the perpetrator had delivered a sentence containing a warning to the victim.

"At that time he (the perpetrator) only said, 'I have often reminded you', immediately (shooted the victim)," he said.

Furthermore, to reveal the complete chronology of the shooting case that occurred on Monday, October 25, the police are planning to stage a scene. However, Hari confirmed that the implementation of the scene would take the situation into account.

"There will be a reconstruction (scene) by investigators there (East Lombok Police), but the location is situational, because it is not possible to hold it at the TKP," said Hari.

The motive for shooting the victim to death is believed to be due to romance. The perpetrator was jealous of the victim who was suspected of having an illicit relationship with his wife.

To reveal these indications, Hari confirmed that investigators were still conducting further investigations. One of them is by examining the entire conversation history on the victim's smartphone, the perpetrator and his wife.

"We are still investigating that (the jealous motive). Therefore, we are still checking the cellphones," he said.

Now MN has been named a suspect and is undergoing detention at the NTB Police Rutan. Because of his actions, MN was accused of Article 340 of the Criminal Code regarding Premeditated Murder Juncto Article 338 concerning Murder.

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