JAKARTA - The potential for new and renewable energy (EBT) -based power plants in Indonesia is enormous and must be implemented and developed immediately. This can answer the decline in fossil fuels.

"As well as reducing environmental pollution, EBT-based power plants need to be realized immediately, especially since the potential is quite large," said Energy Expert of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Malang Prof. Hadi Suyono as reported by Antara, Tuesday, July 28.

According to him, this EBT generator provides the lowest CO2 emissions compared to other generating technologies. With the implementation of EBT-based power plants, air quality and the environment will be better.

The availability of technology and renewable energy generation will also guarantee increased job availability and other economic benefits than fossil fuel technology, which is usually mechanical and capital intensive, while the renewable energy industry is more labor intensive.

However, Indonesia with its geographical conditions has a very large potential for renewable energy generation and is still not widely exploited and developed.

Therefore, it still needs a lot of effort and opportunity to implement EBT in the electricity system in Indonesia, which has many advantages, such as being environmentally friendly and the availability of primary sources which are numerous and unlimited.

For this reason, he said, the Government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources still needs to accelerate to realize 23 percent of the energy mix by 2025 and 31 percent in 2050.

Therefore, he continued, there is a need for an acceleration strategy for the implementation of EBT plants to achieve predetermined targets, including strengthening and implementing regulations that have been made by the government, development of hybrid generation systems in existing systems and usually using diesel power plants (PLTD). .

In addition, the implementation and development of injection of renewable energy generators in a distribution system (distributed generation) that is small in capacity and can be massively developed and enhances the integration of hybrid solar and wind power plants.

This strategy, said Hadi, can be carried out by customers, who will contribute to the development of this EBT even though it is on a small scale, but there will be many in terms of numbers, but still need to pay attention to engineering aspects (reliability and security) and economic aspects.

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