JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata warned that giving false information in court could result in criminal prosecution.

This was conveyed by him in response to a number of objections submitted by former Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives Azis Syamsuddin when he was presented as a witness at the trial of former KPK investigator, Stepanus Robin Pattuju at the Jakarta Corruption Court on Monday, October 25.

"Actually, there is a sanction for false information. So yesterday, the panel of judges was reminded of the consequences if they gave false information," Alexander told reporters, Tuesday, October 26.

Even so, the KPK still believes that the indictment prepared by the public prosecutor (JPU) will not be affected by Azis' testimony. Moreover, the statement from the former deputy chairman of the Golkar Party will not stand alone but will be juxtaposed with evidence and other witness statements.

"Surely later it will also be clarified, confirmed with other evidence with other statements. For example, how come this contradicts the statements of previous witnesses who have been examined. That is about the judge's belief," said Alexander.

Clarification, he continued, must be done, especially if there is different information from one party to another. Moreover, Alexander said, differences in information at trial usually occur because there are those who are reluctant to provide correct information.

"Of course later it will be confirmed with other evidence, not merely witness testimony but other evidence," he said.

"Is it true for example, right, he said he was providing assistance because Robin's family had COVID-19? Can't this be checked, who? When? How much will it cost? Wait for confirmation at the time of the examination of the defendant Robin," added Alexander.

Although he is still waiting for further confirmation of the statement, Alexander said that the reason for providing assistance to Stepanus because his family had been exposed to COVID-19 did not make sense. The reason is that employees at the KPK already have health insurance which also guarantees families from wives to children.

"I don't think there is any need to help with COVID-19 because it has become a burden on the state if the family in question is hospitalized and at the KPK the health insurance has covered his family, including his wife and children," Alex explained.

As previously reported, Azis, who was presented at the trial, denied a number of witness statements. One of them is related to the provision of IDR 200 million which he admitted as a loan because Stepanus was experiencing a disaster.

Meanwhile, in the trial, Stepanus Robin was charged with receiving money from various parties, including Azis Syamsuddin, amounting to IDR 11 billion and USD 36 thousand.

In carrying out his actions, Stepanus was assisted by lawyer Maskur Husain and they worked from July 2020 to April this year. The receipt of money by both occurred in a number of places and was related to a number of cases.

First, the bribes received by Stepanus allegedly came from the case of buying and selling positions in Tanjungbalai. The money was given by the inactive Tanjungbalai Mayor M Syahrial with a value of IDR 1.695 billion.

Next, Stepanus is suspected of receiving money from the Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Azis Syamsuddin, and a private party named Aliza Gunadi. The two men gave IDR 3.09 billion and USD 36 thousand.

Third, he is suspected of receiving IDR 507.39 million from the inactive Mayor of Cimahi Ajay Muhammad Priatna. This money relates to the case of receiving gratuities from the Bunda Hospital in Cimahi, West Java.

Fourth, Stepanus is suspected of having received IDR 525 million from the President Director of PT Tenjo Jaya Usman Effendi. Finally, he is suspected of receiving IDR 5.17 billion in money from former Kutai Kartanegara Regent Rita Widyasari who was involved in gratification and money laundering cases at the KPK.

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