JAKARTA - The Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (​​​​Menpan RB) Tjahjo Kumolo, revealed the chronology of fraud in the implementation of the Basic Competency Selection (SKD) for the 2021 State Civil Apparatus Candidates (CASN) at the Buol Regency Government, Central Sulawesi.

Menpan RB Tjahjo Kumolo explained that the fraud began with an individual who installed remote access software on computer equipment for SKD participants.

"This software was installed or installed by the Head of Agency for Personnel and Human Resources Development (BKPSDM) along with two other people at night, (according to) the results of the CCTV footage were deleted, but can be recovered by the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) and State Cyber and Code Agency (BSSN) teams," Tjahjo said in his message to reporters, reported by Antara, Tuesday, October 26.

On the day of the implementation of the SKD at the location, the supervisor began to suspect when the computer that had the software installed experienced a blue screen. However, participants who occupy the computer do not want to be transferred to another computer.

"Then the participants were asked to move seats but the person concerned did not want to move from the PC. The sitting position on the computer was pre-arranged by the local committee, as seen from the CCTV footage," he explained.

In addition, he continued, an audit trial was conducted where evidence was found that the participant only presented approximately 30 questions in an average of seven seconds. After the recorded evidence displays the questions in a matter of a few seconds, the participant concerned then answers the questions in a matter of eight seconds.

"This is very unlikely to happen because the average time for participants is at least 50-54 seconds. That is, with such a short time it is impossible for people to read the questions very quickly," he said.

With this evidence, it can be seen that the participant concerned only presented questions, and then they were answered by parties outside the location of the SKD.

"There are allegations that it was not carried out by one person, but in the form of a team tasked with helping answer exam questions," he said.

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