JAKARTA - After all day moving in the green zone, the rupiah in the spot market was unable to maintain its appreciation against the United States dollar (US). Tuesday's rupiah closed at Rp14,535 per US dollar, or the same as yesterday's close.

Head of Research at Monex Investindo FUtures, Ariston Tjendra, said this was due to the positive market response to the US $ 1 trillion continued fiscal stimulus proposal that would help the US economy recover.

"This stimulus plan provides positive sentiment to financial markets amid fears of a pandemic," Ariston told VOI.

Until 3:00 p.m. WIB, the majority of eyes in the Asia Pacific looked weak. The Thai baht was the currency with the deepest weakness after falling 0.26 percent against the US dollar.

Followed, the Japanese yen weakened 0.22 percent. Then there was the Chinese yuan which was eroded by 0.16 percent and the Singapore dollar which was corrected by 0.15 percent.

Meanwhile, the Malaysian ringgit and Korean won depreciated 0.08 percent and 0.07 percent, respectively. Then there is the Indian rupee, which moved slightly, weakening 0.007 percent against the US dollar.

Meanwhile, the Taiwan dollar was still the biggest strengthening currency after gaining 0.14 percent. Ahead of this afternoon, the peso remained in the green zone after gaining 0.11 percent and the Hong Kong dollar edging up 0.01 percent.

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