JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kembangan Police arrested 8 brawlers with the initials RS alias A (18), MFR alias O (16), RS alias J (18), RD alias P (19), HA (16), MDA (17), MR (18) and MJS (19). The eight teenagers were arrested because they were caught in a brawl on Jalan Kembangan Utara, Kembangan, West Jakarta.

As a result of the brawl, a student with the initials MF (18) was seriously injured after being beaten by the perpetrators.

"The condition of the victim suffered injuries on the head, on the back as well as on the legs," said Kembangan police chief Kompol Khoiri when confirmed, Tuesday, October 26.

The disclosure was only known after information from the puskesmas that there was a patient who was seriously injured was a criminal victim.

After receiving the information, the police immediately conducted an investigation and processed the crime scene. Then they gave chase to arrest the perpetrators in several different locations.

From the results of the police investigation, 6 of the perpetrators had a role in the injuries suffered by the victim.

"Hospital alias A was the main perpetrator of the stabbing to the victim. MRF alias O (16) hit a motorcycle and ran over the victim's head. If the victim saw that the victim had a head wound, it was caused by this perpetrator," he said.

The perpetrators of RS alias J and RD alias P are providers of sharp weapons for the RS and MFR. Meanwhile, HA and MDA have sharp weapons without a permit.

"The two perpetrators MR (18) and MJS (19) were also caught possessing unlicensed weapons," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kembangan Police, AKP Ferdo, added that the brawl was triggered by an invitation on social media. The two groups of students were fighting for existence.

"It's just a prestige fight. Starting with social media, fighting each other for strength. Then the PTM moment was used by them," he said.

Ferdo said, this phenomenon is very sad. According to him, this is a lesson that during PPKM level 2 schools began to carry out face-to-face meetings.

Ferdo advised parents and schools to supervise students and students to avoid fighting.

"So there are no casualties," he said again.

As a result of his actions, RS alias A, MFR alias O, RS alias J and RD alias P were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code regarding beatings and threatened a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.

Meanwhile, HA, MDA, MR and MJS are subject to Article 2 of the Emergency Law for possessing unlicensed weapons and are threatened with a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison. The evidence seized in the form of 6 sickle blades and a motorbike belonging to the perpetrators during the brawl.

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