KUTAI KARTANEGARA - The joint SAR team found workers dead as a result of a landslide that hit the PT KBM mining site in Batuah Village, Loa Janan District, Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan.

Head of the Balikpapan Class A Search and Rescue Office (Basarnas East Kalimantan), Melkianus Kotta, said the joint SAR team managed to find the second victim, namely Paiman, on Monday at around 06.15 WITA.

The first victim found was an Engineering Consultant of PT KBM named Sugiarto (50), a resident of Loa Bakung, Samarinda.

Meanwhile, for the second victim found, it was known that Paiman (48) served as Head of Mining Engineering (KTT).

"After excavation with heavy equipment, the Paiman victim emerged from the excavated area which contained water and mud", said Melkianus Kotta.

The victim, after being found, was immediately evacuated and taken to the Invhe Abdoel Moies Hospital in Samarinda for an autopsy.

Before the discovery of the victim Paiman, the victim Sugiarto was first found by the joint SAR team, floating at the scene of the incident, on Sunday, October 24.

After the discovery of these two victims, the joint SAR team finally stated that the search operation for landslide victims was declared complete.

"We declare that the SAR operation is complete and closed. The SAR elements involved will be returned to their respective units", said Melkianus.

The landslide incident is known to have occurred at around 02.00 WITA, on Sunday, October 24 in the morning.

At the time of the landslide, the two victims were known to be in the car. However, due to heavy landslides, the car they were using was dragged into the mining pool.

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