ACEH SINGKIL - The Animal Defender team led by Doni Herdaru Tona has arrived in Aceh Singkil to check the chronology of the death of a dog named Canon which was secured from a tourist location on Pulau Banyak.

"We're here, we want to hear confirmation from the owner of a dog named Canon who died," Doni told VOI, Monday, October 25.

Doni said he would soon meet the owner of the Canon. He and his team wanted to hear as far as the detailed chronology of Canon's death that has caused an uproar on social media.

Interestingly, from the information collected by the Animal Defender team, it turned out that the owner did not know where the Canon was buried. Since Canon was taken away by Satpol PP officers until he received news that he was dead, the owner had no information on where Canon really was.

"The owner said he didn't know where the Canon was buried," said Doni.

Doni admitted that while in Aceh Singkil he would be assisted by the Ansor Aceh Singkil Branch Manager. GP Ansor will assist and oversee the Canon case reporting process.

"This is a big step, to protect God's creatures, so that in the future there will be no more similar incidents," he said.

Satpol PP rebuttal

Previously, the Head of the Civil Service Police Unit and the Wilayatul Hisbah Aceh Singkil Regency, Ahmad Yani, denied that his party had tortured a dog named Canon which was secured from a tourist location on Pulau Banyak.

"There was no torture carried out by members in the field, the dog is thought to have died due to stress after being secured by members when it was brought to the mainland," said Ahmad Yani.

He said the dog was arrested by the Aceh Singkil Satpol PP officers after his party received a letter from the sub-district head regarding the implementation of halal tourism in the Banyak Island area of Aceh Singkil.

Prior to the arrest of dogs at tourist sites, he said, his party coordinated with Muspika on Banyak Island regarding the activities of catching dogs that would be carried out, at a resort where the dogs were kept.

When the arrest was about to be made, said Ahmad Yani, the dog owner allegedly tried to make it difficult for the officers by buying time so that the dog was not caught or evacuated by the officers.

After coordinating with the resort owner, the officers tried to make arrests using safe and animal-friendly equipment.

Because of the dog's fierce condition, the dog then tried to give resistance when it was about to be arrested by the officers.

Because of this condition, the dog was then persuaded by the owner and then the dog named Canon was put in a basket, to be brought to the mainland in Singkil, the capital city of Aceh Singkil.

“We caught two dogs, so when we arrived at Singkil, one dog was found dead. While another dog is still alive and well," he said.

Ahmad Yani suspects that the dead dog is thought to be stressed and the dog's carcass has been buried after he coordinated with the Aceh Singkil Regional Secretary.

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