JAKARTA - The statement by the Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas who said that the Ministry of Religion was a state gift for Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) is now reaping a polemic.
Political observer, Dedi Kurnia Syah, believes that Minister of Religion Yaqut made a mistake and must explain the purpose of his statement so that it is not considered to be paving the way for collusion in the ministry he leads.
"The statement clearly contains collusion, and there needs to be a firm statement from the Minister of Religion if he made a mistake in making the statement," said Dedi, Monday, October 25.
According to him, if there is no clarification by the Minister of Religion, it will be considered as allowing the existence of a mafia position in the Ministry of Religion without considering the quality and capacity. He is worried that the Minister of Religion's primordial attitude will affect efforts to consolidate nationality. "This means that Yaqut is not worthy of a ministerial position. And it is sad because it eliminates diversity in Indonesia," he explained.
The Executive Director of Indonesia Political Opinion (IPO) also believes that President Jokowi should reprimand the Minister of Religion for his tumultuous remarks.
"It's good, the president rebuked directly and harshly," said Dedi.
Previously, Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas alias Gus Yaqut called the Ministry of Religion a 'state gift' for Nahdlatul Ulama or NU. Gus Yaqut's statement was delivered at an International Webinar held by RMI-PBNU and uploaded to TVNU's YouTube account, Wednesday, October 20.
In the event, initially Gus Yaqut told of a small debate in the ministry when discussing the matter of the Ministry of Religion. He then revealed that he had a desire to change the Ministry of Religion's logo or tagline, 'Ikhlas Charity'. , it's not right for me to say," he added. According to Gus Yaqut, at that time the debate continued about the history of the origin of the Ministry of Religion. Gus Yaqut said there was one ustaz who at that time did not agree that the Ministry of Religion should oversee all religions. "There are those who disagree, 'This ministry must be the Ministry of Islamic Religion' because the Ministry of Religion is a state gift for Muslims. "The Ministry of Religion is a state gift to NU," "not for Muslims in general, but specifically for NU." So, it's natural that NU is now taking advantage of the many opportunities that exist in the Ministry of Religion because the prize is for NU," said Gus Yaqut.
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