MALANG - Malang City's basketball athlete who represented the East Java contingent in the XX Papua PON was immediately responded to by the Mayor of Malang Sutiaji. After coordinating with KONI, the athlete's pocket money was settled.

Sutiaji ensured that the pocket money for all athletes had been transferred to each athlete's account. If there are athletes who have not received them, they are asked to report.

"It's clear, we have communicated to KONI. Everything has been transferred," said Sutiaji to reporters, Friday, October 22.

According to him, the allowance for athletes comes from grant funds. Grants worth Rp. 10 billion have been given to KONI, including for XX Papua PON athletes.

"So if you don't get it, report it right away. Later, we will give the bonus on Youth Pledge Day," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Malang City KONI, Eddy Wahyono, denied that the allowance for athletes had not been given. Each athlete was given an allowance of IDR 2.5 million.

"We have given everything, if there is something that hasn't been done, maybe it's because we haven't deposited the account number. Now that's all," he said.

After this news, Eddy coordinated with the parties that oversee the athletes. The problem has been solved.

"God willing, next Monday, we will call all the athletes who won medals to Malang City Hall to give them a bonus appreciation. It's also possible from the province, from us too, it's also impossible for us to just be silent," he said.

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