Police Investigate Rachel Vennya's Car RFS Plate Case Related To LLAJ . Law
Rachel Vennya's RFS plate car after undergoing inspection at Polda Metro Jaya/Rizky Adytia-VOI

JAKARTA - The Directorate of Traffic (Ditlantas) Polda Metro Jaya will investigate the RFS plate of Rachel Vennya's car. Investigations regarding the transfer of RFS plates to a different car are prohibited.

“The B 139 RFS really belongs to Rachel Vennya, so it's not a special number. Yes, it's an ordinary number because it's three digits,” said Director of Traffic and Traffic of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo to reporters, Friday, October 22.

However, there are facts about the RFS plate which was previously used for white cars but was transferred to black cars. The RFS plate was discovered after Rachel Vennya finished her examination at the Polda Metro Jaya, Thursday, October 21.

"Only in our data the car is white, while based on the facts and input from friends, the car used is black. So that later, after the parallel with the examination carried out related to the case of his escape from quarantine, we will also call for clarification whether later by summoning him or we send traffic investigators to his house to see the vehicle, "said Sambdo.

This examination is related to Article 280 of the LLAJ Law in conjunction with Article 68. Article 280 reads "Every motorized vehicle driver who is not fitted with a Vehicle Registration Number shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 2 months or a fine of a maximum of Rp 500 thousand,".

“Has he violated Article 280 of the Traffic Law in conjunction with Article 68, meaning that he did not use a valid TNKB or for example, was a violation of Article 288 regarding not being able to show a STNK. This means that the car has been painted but has not changed its STNK. So we will clarify that we will match our data with the engine number, frame number and so on," continued Sambodo.

The RFS plate of Rachel Vennya's car was in the spotlight when she returned home after an inspection at the Polda Metro Jaya. The police will check the B-139-RFS plate of Rachel Vennya's car.

"It's a three-digit plate, so if the three numbers are actually the back it doesn't really matter. It's free," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Bin Gakkum at Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Argo Wiyono to reporters, Friday, October 22.

As for officials, the use of RF plates with heads of numbers 1 and 4 numbers.

"Only head 1 is four points," said Argo Wiyono.

"So he bought a regular plate just to make it look like an official. But it can be owned by the public," he continued.

Meanwhile, regarding the alleged use of this plate in a different car, the police will check it. Argo Wiyono emphasized that the vehicle number should not be transferred.

"If you change numbers, you definitely can't. Must be in accordance with the TNKB. That's why I checked the number management computer first. If the numbers don't match, we can take action," said Argo Wiyono.

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