JAKARTA - As many as 59 offices have been declared as COVID-19 clusters. Of the 59 locations, 375 employees were confirmed positive from the cluster.

A member of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Expert Team, Dewi Nur Aisyah, said there was an increase in cases in office areas, mostly in Jakarta. Dewi said the data was recorded on July 25 and there will be an update on the development of the data.

"This figure still needs to be updated and verified. On Wednesday, we will provide an update during the 'COVID-19 in Numbers' session," said Dewi when confirmed, Monday, July 27.

Previously, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan said that there was a trend of increasing the spread of COVID-19 cases in the last 2 weeks. The spread occurred mostly in office activities and community members during the transitional PSBB period.

"The increase in spread is in line with the increased mobility of citizens, from our findings with testing, activities in offices and community communities are one of the most vulnerable places for spreading," said Anies.

Some time ago, former Spokesperson for Handling COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto also conveyed that the number of cases of COVID-19 transmission in the work environment continued to increase.

This happens because many people underestimate the COVID-19 protocol, such as removing masks and not maintaining distance in their offices because they are familiar with their respective co-workers.

"The addition of many cases occurred in the work environment. There are those who think that coworkers who are already close so wearing a mask are deemed unnecessary," said Yuri.

In fact, said Yuri, even though you are in the office with people who are used to meeting, you must still follow health protocols. Because, everyone in the office comes from a different environment and has different risks.

So, of the 59 COVID-19 clusters in office environments, 17 of them are within the scope of ministries, 30 are regional, central and BUMN agencies with offices in DKI, and 12 others are in private companies. The list of office clusters is as follows.

Ministry (122 people) 1. Ministry of Finance: 25 cases 2. Ministry of Education and Culture: 22 cases 3. Kemenparekraf: 15 cases 4. Ministry of Health: 10 cases 5. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources: 9 cases 6. Litbangkes: 8 cases 7. Ministry of Defense: 6 cases 8. Ministry of Transportation: 6 cases 9. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries: 6 cases 10. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 3 cases 11. Kemenpan RB: 3 cases 12. Ministry of Communication and Informatics: 3 cases 13. Ministry of Defense: 2 cases14. Ministry of Law and Human Rights: 1 case15. RI Ministry of Research and Technology: 1 case 16. Ministry of Environment: 1 case17. Ministry of PPAPP: 1 case

Agencies in DKI (143 people) 1. North Jakarta Department of Food, Marine and Agricultural Security: 23 cases 2. Samsat Polda Metro Jaya: 20 cases 3. Institute of State Administration (LAN): 17 cases 4. DKI Jakarta Health Office: 15 cases 5. PLN: 7 cases 6. Central PMI: 6 cases 7. Indonesian Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN): 5 cases 8. Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM): 5 cases 9. BRI: 5 cases 10. Regional Financial Management Agency (BPKD): 4 cases 11. Department of Transportation MT Haryono: 4 cases 12. Judicial Commission: 3 cases 13. Government Procurement Policy Agency (LKPP): 3 cases 14. PTSP Mayor of West Jakarta: 3 cases 15. DKI UMKM Department: 3 people 16. Supreme Audit Agency (BPK): 2 cases 17. National Narcotics Agency (BNN): 2 cases 18. Information Communication and Statistics (Kominfotik) DKI Jakarta: 2 cases19. Head of Koja Sub-district: 2 cases 20. Center for Health Training (BBPK): 1 case21. Bhayangkara: 1 case 22. Regional Asset Management Agency (BPAD): 1 case 23. Cempaka Putih District Office: 1 case 24. Cempaka Putih Barat Urban Village Office: 1 case25. Menteng District Office: 2 cases 26. Regional Income Agency Rate: 1 case 27. PAMDAL: 1 case 28. North Jakarta Police: 1 case29. Forest Service: 1 case 30. Regional Revenue Service (Dispenda): 1 case

Private company (110 people) 1. PT Antam offices: 68 cases 2. Kimia Farma centers: 20 cases 3. Samudera Indonesia: 10 cases 4. Pertamina: 3 cases 5. Indosat: 2 cases 6. PSTW Kelapa Dua Wetan: 2 cases 7. Canteen: 2 cases 8. Siemens Pulogadung: 1 case 9. MY Indo Airland: 1 case 10. PT NET: 1 case 11. SMESCO: not yet reported 12. ACT: haven't reported yet

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