JAKARTA - President of the United States (US) Donald Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives (HOR) or the US House of Representatives which held a vote on Wednesday (18/12) local time. As many as 230 members of the House of Representatives who come from the Democratic Party agreed to impeach Trump for the abuse of power.

Reporting from CNN and the New York Times, in addition to the abuse of power, the US House of Representatives also agreed that Trump had undermined the powers of Congress. The vote was held by the US House of Representatives at the Capitol Building, Washington DC on Wednesday, December 18 local time.

"Today is a sad day for this country. The President's careless actions require us to file an impeachment article," said the Chairman of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, at the Capitol Building quoted by CNN, Thursday, December 19.

The voting process was held twice, with the first voting being held against charges of abuse of power. The US House of Representatives immediately proceeded with a second vote on the indictment of obstructing the US Congress from investigating efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate former US Vice President Joe Biden, Trump's political rival and potential challenger in the upcoming 2020 presidential election.

Of the total 435 members of the US House of Representatives who voted, 230 voted in favor of the allegation of abuse of power against Trump. About 197 other votes rejected the charges. One member of the US House of Representatives from the Democratic Party, Tulsi Gabbard, chose to abstain.

Launching from the New York Times, Trump considered the impeachment process carried out by the Democratic Party against him to be filled with hatred. He expressed this while campaigning in Michigan, when the US House of Representatives held a vote on his impeachment.

"While we are creating jobs and fighting for Michigan, the radical left in Congress is filled with jealousy and hatred and anger, you see what's going on. These people are crazy," Trump said to his Michigan supporters.

In a tweet on his personal Twitter account, Trump expressed his frustration. He said the impeachment process against him was something terrible. He insisted he had not done "anything wrong".

According to him, the impeachment process carried out by the US House of Representatives was solely an attempt by the Republican Party to take over the presidency.

Trump will next be heard in the US Senate or House of Representatives. Republicans hold the majority of seats, meaning they need a minimum of two-thirds of the vote to actually impeach and remove Trump from the White House. If that happens, Trump will become the third impeached president in the 243-year history of the United States.

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