ACEH - The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the Aceh Regional Police (Polda) has secured two heavy equipment suspected of being used for the illegal mining practice of excavation C in Aceh Besar District.

Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Aceh Police, Kombes Sony Sanjaya, said that apart from securing two heavy equipment, the police also named an illegal C excavation manager as a suspect.

"One person has been named a suspect. His role so far is as a manager of mining activities that do not have permits or are illegal," said Kombes Sony Sanjaya in Banda Aceh, Thursday, October 21.

Kombes Sony Sanjaya said that the disclosure of the case began with information from the public regarding the existence of excavation C mining activities in the form of landfill or backfill in Aceh Besar District.

Then, said Kombes Sony Sanjaya, the Sub-Directorate IV Team for Certain Crimes from the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation at the Aceh Police conducted an investigation to ensure the truth of the information.

"After an investigation and it was confirmed that there was excavation C at the site in the form of piled up soil. After observations, the team also found heavy equipment that was carrying out soil excavation activities," said Kombes Sony Sanjaya. and mine site managers. Then it was discovered that the activity did not have a production operation mining business permit (IUP-OP) or was illegal.

After checking, it turns out that there is no permit. Then, for the purposes of further investigation, two units of heavy equipment type excavator were secured to the Aceh Police Headquarters in Banda Aceh, said Kombes Sony Sanjaya.

"Officers further examined two people who knew about the mining practice. And one of them, namely the mine manager, was named a suspect," said Kombes Sony Sanjaya, as quoted by Antara.

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