SURABAYA - The Surabaya Police team dismantled the pigeon cage in the Karang Empat area, Ploso Village, Tambaksari District, Surabaya, which is often used as a gambling arena for residents.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Surabaya Police, Kompol Mirza Maulana, said that his party had deployed personnel to raid the gambling area, a number of cages were empty, and there was no activity.

At the location, the Police team together with the Samapta Unit personnel could only control the pigeon cages that were left by their owners.

"After receiving reports from the public, we went to the gambling location, but it was already empty, there was no gambling activity", he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 21.

Mirza said the team then communicated and coordinated with local kelurahan officials, including RT and RW heads and community leaders.

"We advise residents to immediately report to the Surabaya Polrestabes if there are pigeon gambling activities. We also emphasize to maintain the health protocol for preventing the Coronavirus or COVID-19 by wearing masks and avoiding crowds", said Kompol Mirza.

Previously, Mirza said, on October 7, there was also a control over the pigeon gambling arena in the Ploso Bogen area, precisely on Karang Asem Street, Surabaya, which was carried out by the Tambaksari Police.

According to him, the raid and demolition of the pigeon gambling arena, which was informed that it had been going on for a long time on Karang Asem Street, Surabaya, followed up on complaints from local residents.

"Before the control was carried out, we had several times given appeals to reprimands but were ignored by the pigeon gamblers", he continued.

Tambaksari Surabaya Police officers finally moved to the location and took action. Kompol Mirza ensured that the pigeon cages were then burned to prevent them from being used again.

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