SURABAYA - Eight of the 39 parks in Surabaya will open on Friday, October 22. This opening is related to the implementation of Level 1 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

"Thank God, 8 parks in Surabaya have been allowed to open," said Head of Cleanliness and Green Open Space Office (DKRTH) Anan Fajriatin, confirmed, Tuesday, October 19.

Parks that may be open are Flora Gardens, Historical Parks, Light Parks, Harmony Gardens, Rainbow Gardens, Wonorejo Nursery Gardens, Achievements Parks and Expression Parks. According to Anna, the selection of the eight parks is because they cover different areas.

"So residents don't have to go far if they want to go to the park. Bungkul Park was not used before, although many people asked," she said.

These eight parks will be opened in two sessions. The first session is 06.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. Then the second session at 12.30 p.m. - 17.00 p.m.

"Visitors are limited to a maximum of 30 minutes. If they are in the park for 30 minutes, they are asked to go out and replace other visitors. So they don't get crowded," she said.

However, this rule is not carried out if the park visitors are relatively quiet. Visitors who enter are also required to use a scan of the PeduliLindungi application's QR Code.

If the trial opening of these eight parks is successful for three days, then all the parks will be able to open on Monday, October 25. For this reason, assessments from the COVID-19 task force continue to be carried out.

"The task force assessment includes the area of the park, the number of visitors for one session, and security from the independent task force. Last year's experience we used a calculator and a stamp. Now that will be applied again," said Anna.

Evaluation of the previous opening of the park, continued Anna, was a crowd of visitors. She gave an example of the comparison of visitors to Taman Pelangi and Taman Harmoni. The two parks have different areas.

"The assessment cannot be generalized. If in one park there are only 100 people who can enter the park, in a smaller park it will be crowded. So we made adjustments," she said.

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