JAKARTA - President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, through Presidential Decree Number 82 of 2020 concerning the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (PEN), disbanded 18 working teams, agencies and committees whose establishment was based on a presidential decree (Keppres).

However, the dissolution did not end with the 18 working teams, bodies and committees that were abolished by means of this Presidential Regulation (Perpres). This is because the Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Tjahjo Kumolo hinted at the dissolution of a follow-up institution.

Tjahjo said that there are at least 96 institutions or commissions, either formed by law or by government decrees, which are being reviewed to be abolished.

The elimination or dissolution of these institutions is now a necessity. Streamlining of institutions and commissions is needed to realize a more efficient working government.

Executive Director of the Indonesia Political Review (IPR), Ujang Komaruddin, said that President Joko Widodo had conveyed his target of improving and simplifying the bureaucracy and enabling the government to work more quickly.

So the dissolution is a necessity so that there are no more state institutions or government institutions but they are poor in function, and also no state institutions but not actually useless for the people, he said.

In fact, the existence of institutions that are poor in function will only drain state finances so much and produce little or no benefit, only a waste of state money because it is used up to pay many people and provide costs for programs that do not provide benefits.

According to him, the president's decision to dissolve institutions that do not contribute to the state is the right choice.

Because, said Ujang Komaruddin, assistance would shrink the weight of the government, not overload it, so that it could run faster in realizing the vision and mission that the president had targeted for this second term.

The government will also be lighter in terms of the budget with the dissolution, state finances can be diverted to priority sectors to accelerate the programs that have been designed.

"But there is also something that needs to be considered in the dissolution, namely the employees, especially those who already have positions, when transferred or merged to other institutions this must be overcome so that the harmonization of the government is maintained," he said, launching Antara, Sunday, July 26.

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