JAKARTA - Residents of Bogor City are asked to be honest with medical officers, especially if they have a history of travel to other areas. This is to facilitate tracking and prevention of the spread of COVID-19.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Bogor City Health Office Sri Nowo Retno regarding the existence of a family who was positive for COVID-19 in his area.

"The case of a family in Bogor City that was confirmed positive for COVID-19 should be a lesson for Bogor City residents," said Sri Nowo Retno, quoted by Antara, Bogor, Saturday, July 25.

Then he asked all residents of Bogor City to apply health protocols strictly and correctly and honestly with medical staff if they were sick.

"Because one person in the family has a history of travel to other areas, and when they are sick, they can potentially transmit COVID-19 to their family. Transmission of COVID-19 in the family can create new clusters," he said.

According to him, everyone in Bogor City must be honest with medical officers if they have close contact with a patient with a positive case of COViD-19

For a family of residents of West Bogor District, Bogor City, who was confirmed positive for COVID-19, according to Retno, the Bogor City Health Office has conducted a search, both at home, neighbors around the house, as well as at health facilities that have been in contact with. "At that location, spraying of disinfectants has also been carried out," he said.

According to Retno, the Health Office also conducted a swab test on 95 people from the search results. Of these, 39 people have obtained their test results and 56 others are still awaiting their results.

"Of the 39 people, eight of them were confirmed positive, namely five family members and three other people who have close contact," he said.

Retno emphasized that all of those who were confirmed positive had been isolated in hospital. "This is our effort to break the chain of transmission of COVID-19," he said.

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