JAKARTA - Slowly but surely, the joints of the economy are starting to squirm. One of them is the Puncak route, which is again heavily congested.

You could say it's a blessing.

But because of the traffic jam, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, was suspended, Sunday, October 17. Even though he has been waiting for the laying of the groundwork for the construction of Eiger Adventure Land, an international standard ecotourism that was built on an area of ​​326 hectares in Sukagalih Village, Megamendung District, Bogor Regency.

The Toyota Venturer with RI number 46, Sandiaga's official vehicle was unable to penetrate the traffic jam. A moment later he got out of the car and chose to ride a motorbike escorted by a Yamaha N-Max by his aide.

The helmet that Sandiaga was wearing also, he said, belonged to the residents. And Sandiaga had time to joke before riding a motorcycle. Wear the helmet upside down.

"Yesterday I went to Eiger Adventure Land, and was stuck in traffic to the location of the event. I saw tourism in Puncak Bogor and its surroundings began to stir, this traffic jam, God willing, will be a blessing, opening up the widest possible JOBS for the community," said Sandiaga Uno on his Instagram account, Monday. October 18th.

Menparekraf Sandiaga when laying the groundwork and signing the Eiger Adventure Land Ecotourism Development Inscription explained that the ecotourism development, which carries the theme "Leisure Business" while still prioritizing the preservation and balance of nature, will become an outdoor adventure playground for adventure tourism lovers.

"In the future, the longest suspension bridge in the world will be built with a length of 535 m and a Cable Car with a route of 930 m. Hopefully, with this new tourist icon, it can later become a destination for the pride of the people of Bogor, West Java, and Indonesia, as well as a leading attraction to attract tourists, both domestic and foreign, "said Menparekraf Sandiaga.

The suspension bridge is predicted to beat world-class suspension bridges such as Portugal's 516-meter Arouca and 490-meter-long Carles Kuonen of the Swiss Alps.

Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno also hopes that Eiger Adventure Land will be able to accommodate the works of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and the creative economy, especially the people of Sukagalih Village. So that rural communities can transform into superior creative economic centers.

"In this post-pandemic recovery period, we need to open up new job opportunities for the community through investment in the tourism sector which will become the leading sector in economic recovery and improvement in the future," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of PT Eigerindo, Ronny Lukito, said that EAL is planned to start operating and open to the public in 2023.

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