JAKARTA - The United Development Party invited four governors in Java to the Alim Ulama National Conference held at the Fadhlul Fadhlan Islamic Boarding School, Semarang City, Sunday.

The four governors are DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo, and East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

PPP DPP General Chair Suharso Monoarfa explained a number of reasons for inviting the four governors. First, they are governors on the island of Java with the largest population and each of them has the experience, and uniqueness.

"Mrs. Khofifah, for example, is a woman, showing that there is no problem with gender issues in PPP. Then, Mrs. Khofifah, the Governor of Jakarta, West Java, are relatively non-partisan, even though Mrs. Khofifah has been in PPP, now she is formally the same distance from all parties. Mr. Ganjar is the host," said Suharso after opening the PPP Alim Ulama National Conference, quoted from Antara, Sunday, October 17.

He said that ulama have a big role for this nation so that PPP gives high positions to ulama, one of which is through the Sharia Council in the DPP.

Suharso then emphasized that PPP and ulama should participate in continuous efforts to maintain unity, but this is not easy and requires joint efforts from all parties.

Of the four governors who were invited as resource persons at the PPP Alim Ulama National Conference, Anies Baswedan was present for the first time at the opening and a few hours later Ridwan Kamil attended.

As of Sunday evening, two other governors, namely Ganjar Pranowo and Khofifah Indar Parawansa, had not been present at the location.

The event was also attended by the Secretary-General of the PPP DPP Arwani Thomafi, the Chairman of the Sharia Council of the PPP DPP KH Mustofa Aqiel Siroj, the Chairman of the Central Java PPP DPD Masruhan Samsurie.

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