MALANG - The Malang Resort Police (Polres) has succeeded in revealing the perpetrators of the disposal of a male baby in Ledoksari Village, Tumpang District, Malang Regency.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Malang Police AKP Donny Bara'langi in his statement said that the perpetrator of the disposal of the baby was his biological mother.

"From the investigation, we got information that there was a midwifery student who was an intern at one of the puskesmas and she was pregnant. She admitted that she was the biological mother who was expelled," said Donny.

Donny explained that the perpetrator of the dumping of the baby, with the initials DD, was a student who was doing an internship as a midwife at one of the puskesmas in Malang Regency.

According to him, after receiving this information, officers visited the residence of a student with the initials DD, in the Tumpang sub-district. Police found the student in a weak condition.

The officer then asked DD for information, and found a number of facts related to the perpetrator's motive for throwing the baby away. According to him, the student was not happy with her pregnancy, because it would embarrass the family.

"She is not happy with her pregnancy. Shame in front of her family, because she is pregnant out of wedlock," he said.

The perpetrator, with the initials DD, did an internship as a midwife at one of the puskesmas in Tumpang Subdistrict for two weeks. When the perpetrator arrived, she was already pregnant.

In addition, he continued, the police have also obtained the identity of the biological father of the discarded baby. The baby's biological father is currently in Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

"The father of the baby, is the boyfriend of the perpetrator, who is currently in Sumba," he said.

He added that currently he was still conducting a review regarding the health condition of DD and her baby. Malang Police cooperates with the Malang Regency Social Service and related agencies to monitor the mental condition and health of the perpetrators. Meanwhile, the baby is reported to be in good health.

"We involve the Social Service, psychiatrists and related agencies to monitor the mental condition and health of the perpetrator. For the baby, his condition is healthy," he explained.

On Wednesday, October 14 at approximately 05.30 WIB, residents of Ledoksari Village, Tumpang District, reported finding a baby boy near a pile of bricks.

The baby was found by residents in a condition not wearing clothes, with the umbilical cord still attached. The baby was immediately taken to the Tumpang Health Center for treatment, and has now been referred to the Saiful Anwar Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Malang.

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