JAKARTA - The Betawi Advocates Association (Padi) reported the alleged insult to the Betawi tribe to the Metro Jaya Police. The reported person is a man with the initials VN and the video recorder.

"The Betawi Advocates Association (paddy) in terms of reporting the person with the alleged ethnic insult article," said Chairman of the Rice Advisory Council, Ramdan Alamsyah, to reporters, Friday, October 15.

The decision to report the Betawi insult, said Ramdan, was made because the police had not followed up on the viral issue. Moreover, the Betawi tribe is not like what the reported party said.

"In the end, seeing that for the past few days there has been no real action taken by the police," he said.

"Because there are expressions that demean the dignity and ethnicity of Betawi. We really respect diversity, therefore the expression of that person really hurts Bhinneka Tunggal Ika," continued Ramdhan.

The report is received by Polda Metro Jaya and registered with number LP/B/5110/X/2021/SPKT/Polda Metro Jaya, dated October 15. In the report, the reported party is reported under Article 28 paragraph 2 of the ITE Law in conjunction with Articles 45 and 156 of the Criminal Code and Article 14 of Law 40 of 2008.

With this report, it is hoped that the matter will be thoroughly investigated. So, there are no more parties who take action related to SARA.

"We will request the arrest process as soon as possible so that it is not easy for other people to easily utter hatred towards certain ethnicities," said Ramdhan.

Previously reported, in an amateur video that lasted about one minute, it was seen that one of the elements of the mass organization with the initials VN (the perpetrator) carried out persecution and insults to the Betawi tribe to one of the residents at one of the construction project sites on Jalan Raya Kali Malang, South Bekasi, Bekasi City on Wednesday. , October 13.

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