JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian clarified the statement regarding the handling of the COVID-19 body in the webinar activity of the Forum for Religious Harmony (FKUB). This is because the information was not conveyed in full.

"This opportunity I want to clarify the news that I think was cut off during the FKUB webinar on Wednesday, July 22 nationally," said Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian as quoted by Antara, Friday, July 24.

Tito agreed that in the discussion at that time, one of the things conveyed was related to the handling of the COVID-19 body. But not like what is currently circulating.

"I conveyed that the body of COVID-19 in theory should be burned so that the virus also dies. But not necessarily in accordance with certain beliefs or religious beliefs, like I am a Muslim," he said.

Therefore, according to Tito, the technique is to wrap it tightly, so that the virus does not have a gap to escape, then it is buried in a dry location, so that there is no possibility for the virus to come out flowing in the water and so on.

But said the former National Police Chief, there were media who cut it, there were even words that were beyond what was said, namely the body of COVID-19 must be burned.

"I have never said anything like that, what I said was long during the discussion on handling the body of COVID-19," he said.

The Minister of Home Affairs asked the polemic regarding this statement to be ended and not cause misunderstanding in the community.

Because statements regarding the treatment of bodies infected with COVID-19 are returned to health protocols and handling according to the beliefs (creeds) of each religion.

The Minister of Home Affairs asked that when it was published in the media, it should not be cut into pieces so that it would lose context.

"The community finally saw a piece and thought I required the way to handle the body being burned, of course not. I think my friends who took part in the webinar at that time understood very well if they read the whole context," he said.

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