JAKARTA - PKS DPP chairman Mardani Ali Sera invited 57 former KPK employees to form or join political parties. Moreover, they are no longer state civil servants (ASN) so they can make their political choices.

"Please, because you are no longer ASN, you have the right to join a political party," said Mardani to VOI, Thursday, October 14.

The member of Commission II of the DPR said that his party was open if the former KPK employees wanted to join the party led by Ahmad Syaikhu. Moreover, he said, corruption has always been the main issue highlighted by PKS. "PKS is open to all. The act of eradicating corruption has always been one of the main issues of PKS," said Mardani. However, Mardani suggested that you need to be patient when fighting with the party. Because, he said, it was not easy to adjust to the party. "But of course it is necessary to realize that political party institutions have dynamics and sometimes need to be generous in fighting together," said Mardani.

Previously, the former Head of the Drafting of Regulations and Legal Products at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Rasamala Aritonang had the intention of forming a political party. According to Rasamala, there is an opportunity to make big changes if they can form a political party.

Rasamala Aritonang is one of 57 employees who were fired by the KPK because they did not pass the National Insight Test (TWK). Rasamala and 56 other anti-corruption agency employees were deemed ineligible (TMS) to become State Civil Apparatus (ASN).

"Yes, I think that if you want to make changes that have a big impact, political parties are one of the strategic vehicles in the democratic system," said Rasamala, Wednesday, October 13.

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