JAMBI - Merangin Police and the Jambi Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) set a trap to catch the Sumatran tiger (Panthera Tigris Sumatra) that had pounced on two residents of Renah Pembarap, Merangin Regency.

Merangin Police Chief, AKBP Irwan Andy Purnamawan said, due to the incident, his party coordinated with BKSDA Jambi to install tiger traps around the location of the incident in Air Batu Village, Renah Pembarap District, Merangin Regency.

"We will set traps to catch the tiger that has disturbed the people of Merangin", he said when contacted, Antara, Thursday, October 14.

Last Wednesday, October 13, a young man named Abu Bakar (20) was killed by a tiger in Bukit Tamenit, Air Baru Village, Renah Pembarap District, Merangin Regency around 17.00 WIB.

The young man was attacked by a Sumatran tiger while looking for a mobile phone signal with his three friends.

The victim together with his three colleagues went to Bukit Tamenit in Air Batu Village, Renah Pembarab Subdistrict, Merangin, and once at the location of the victim together sat on the side of the road facing the forest bushes.

"While playing the game, a tiger suddenly came from in front of the victim, biting the left hand, and took him into the forest bush", said AKBP Irwan Andy Purnamawan.

Seeing the incident, the three friends of the victim ran back to Air Batu Village to seek help.

Next, the villagers went together to Bukit Tamenit to look for the victim, and the victim was found dead with a broken neck, hands, and thighs injured.

Subsequently, the victim was taken home for burial.

Due to the incident, the victim's family has accepted the incident, and sincerely, the body was buried at Air Batu Public Cemetry Kecamtan Village, Renah Pembarap, Merangin Regency by the family and the community.

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