JAKARTA - The Chief of Naval Staff (Kasal) Admiral Yudo Margono gave motivation to the prospective students of the Indonesian Navy's Marine fighter warriors. Not all soldiers, said Kasal, can control the land, sea and air.

Admiral Yudi asked this prospective Navy soldier to be proud. Especially maintaining the honor and combat ability of Marine soldiers.

"Can you be a Marine? Can you be a Marine?" asked TNI Admiral Yudo Margono in the sea of sand, Mount Bromo, Probolinggo, Wednesday, October 13.

According to Kasal, this pride must be instilled in every prospective Marine soldier. Because the marines have combat abilities that other soldiers do not have. Proud to be tough soldiers, who are professional and must be strong to face all terrains, in the forest, in the mountains and at sea with all the risks of being a marine soldier.

"You are proud to be soldiers who can be on land, at sea, in the air that other soldiers don't have, so you must be proud to be Marine soldiers," Kasal continued encouragingly.

Kasal also advised about the difficulty of following the Marine Dikko, a lesson must be taken.

"Take the lesson that later you will also experience something like this when you are in service, you will carry out operations in the field after graduation, in fields like this, so that you have been trained from the beginning, both in the mountains, at sea, both on flat and heights, cliffs, that's what you will live while carrying out your service," he said.

Limed from Banyuwangi to Surabaya, which covers a distance of about 300 kilometers, is the final stage of a series of Command Education that must be taken by a prospective Marine soldier.

This Dikko lasted for approximately 77 days, starting with the basic command stage, the sea stage, the forest stage, the Guerrilla versus Guerrilla (GLG) stage and closed with Limed. The 166th Dikko Lattek was attended by 520 people, consisting of 23 Marine Corps Level III AAL cadets, 68th Batch, 149 Indonesian Navy Dikmaba students XL/1, 150 TNI AL Dikmaba Forces XL/2, and 198 TNI Dikmata students. Navy XL/2 who are currently studying at Kodikmar.

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