JAKARTA - Investigators from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) are investigating the ownership of the assets of the inactive Probolinggo Regent Puput Tantriana Sari and her husband, Hasan Aminuddin. This was done after the two of them were named suspects as recipients of gratification and money laundering (TPPU).

In an effort to investigate the two allegations, the KPK examined 11 witnesses at the Probolinggo City Police on Tuesday, October 12 yesterday. Those examined were the Head of the Probolinggo Regency Transportation Service, Taupik Alami and the Head of the Probolinggo Regency PUPR Service Hengki Cahjo Saputra.

In addition, the KPK also examined the Head of the National and Political Unity Agency (Bakesbangpol) of Probolinggo Regency Ugas Irwanto, Head of BKD Mutation of Probolinggo Regency Taufiqi, Head of Evaluation and Reporting for Construction Services and Equipment for the Probolinggo Regency PUPR Service, Cahyo Rachmad Dany, and Widya Yudyaningsih, who is a Subdivision. Finance at the PUPR Office of Probolinggo Regency.

Furthermore, investigators also examined the First Functional Procurement at the Probolinggo Regional Secretariat of Probolinggo Nuzul Hudan, a civil servant named Winda Permata and three notaries namely Poedji Widajani, I Nyoman Agus Pradnyana, and Fenny Herawati.

"All witnesses were present and their knowledge was studied, including regarding the alleged receipt of gratuities by the suspects, one of which came from the provision of ASN in the Probolinggo Regency Government and ownership of assets in the form of land in several areas in Probolinggo Regency," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Sector Ali Fikri told reporters, Wednesday, October 13.

In addition to being suspected of receiving gratuities and committing money laundering, the KPK has previously named the husband and wife as suspects for alleged bribery of buying and selling positions.

In the bribery case of buying and selling positions, the KPK has named 22 people as suspects. They consist of 4 bribe recipients and 18 bribe givers.

The bribes given by ASN in the Probolinggo Regency Government are carried out so that they can serve as village head officials. Each person is required to pay Rp. 20 million and the village land tribute of Rp. 5 million per hectare.

The four recipients were Probolinggo Regent Puput Tantriana Sari, DPR member Hasan Aminuddin, Krejengan sub-district head Doddy Kurniawan, and Paiton sub-district head Muhamad Ridwan.

While the 18 donors namely Sumanto, Ali Wafa, Mawardi, Mashudi, Maliha, Mohammad Bambang, Masruhen, Abdul Wafi, Kho'im, Akhmad Saifullah, Jaelani, Uhar, Nurul Hadi, Nuruh Huda, Hasan, Sahir, Sugito, and Syamsuddin as suspects giver.

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