JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially inaugurated the Chair of the Steering Committee for the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri as Chair of the Steering Committee for the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) at the State Palace, Jakarta today or Wednesday, October 13.

The inauguration ceremony was held around 13.30 WIB. A number of ministers in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet were present and the event was held under strict health protocols.

The event began with singing the anthem Indonesia Raya, followed by the reading of Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 45 of 2021 concerning the Appointment of the BRIN Steering Committee by the Deputy for Apparatus Administration, Nanik Purwanti.

"Decided to determine and continue to appoint the membership of the Steering Committee of the National Research and Innovation Agency," said Nanik while reading the Presidential Decree which was broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube.

In the presidential decree, Megawati Soekarnoputri was appointed as Chair of the BRIN Steering Committee and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani as Deputy Chair of the Steering Committee.

Another deputy chairman of the BRIN Steering Committee is the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa. Furthermore, President Jokowi also appointed Sudhamek Agoeng Waspodo Soenjoto as Secretary of the BRIN Steering Committee.

The President also appointed Emil Salim, I Gede Wenten, Bambang Kesowo, Adi Utarini, Marsudi Wahyu Kisworo, and Tri Mumpuni as members of the BRIN Steering Committee.

"Each of them are given rights and other facilities according to the laws and regulations," said Nanik.

After the Presidential Decree was read, President Jokowi took the oath of the newly appointed officials.

"Before I take the oath regarding your appointment as the Steering Committee of the National Research and Innovation Agency. First, I ask you. Are you willing to take an oath according to your respective religion?" Jokowi asked before taking the oath.

"Willing," answered Megawati and a number of appointed officials.

After taking the oath, Jokowi then congratulated Megawati Soekarnoputri and other members of the BRIN Steering Committee.

For information, President Jokowi has signed a new Presidential Regulation (Perpres) related to BRIN. It was written that the Chairperson of the BRIN Steering Committee was the official Chairperson of the Steering Committee for the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP), which is now occupied by Megawati Soekarnoputri.

In addition, in Presidential Regulation Number 78 of 2021 Article 7 Paragraph (3) it is stated that the Chairperson of the BRIN Steering Committee has the authority to provide direction and input and can even form a special task force.

"The Chairperson as referred to in paragraph (2) has the authority to provide direction, input, evaluation, approval or policy recommendations and in certain circumstances can form a Special Task Force to streamline the implementation of tasks and functions carried out by the Executor as referred to in Article 5 letter b, " is quoted from the article.

When carrying out his duties, the Chairman of the Steering Committee will be assisted by special staff who are or are not ex-officio. Based on Article 7 Paragraph (4), the Chairperson of the BRIN Steering Committee will be assisted by four special staff.

Next, there is also the position of Deputy Chairperson of the BRIN Steering Committee which will later be held by two ministers in related fields. This is regulated through Article 7 Paragraph (5) of Presidential Regulation Number 78 of 2021.

"The deputy chairman as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b is held ex-officio by the minister who organizes government affairs in the financial sector and the minister who carries out government affairs in the field of national development planning," the article states.

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