JAKARTA - Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission VII of the Indonesian Parliament, Adian Napitupulu, admitted that he was not worried if he was brought to the Honorary Court of the Council (MKD) after he bluntly told him that he was asked by President Joko Widodo to submit the name of a candidate for commissioner in a state-owned company (BUMN).

"Maybe people say, 'Bang Adian took the name of the President', just complain. There is a mechanism. If members of the DPR are guilty, file a complaint to the MKD. Just tell me to make it clear that I am lying or not," said Adian during a casual talk with Adian. Napitupulu, which aired on the YouTube Chat Come on, Thursday, July 23.

This PDI-P politician asked himself not to be confused with other organizations or community groups who asked for seats in state-owned companies by directly visiting BUMN Minister Erick Thohir.

Because, so far he has never done this and it is he who is asked to submit the names of people who are considered suitable as commissioners of BUMN by President Jokowi.

Furthermore, he said, if he was reported to the MKD because of the alleged denigration of the President's name, he could more freely include evidence of his statement when he was examined later.

In fact, he continued, the MKD could even summon President Jokowi and the minister who accompanied him when the meeting took place.

"In fact, in my opinion, when I was complained at MKD, there I can open all the WhatsApp, our conversation with this guy, that. I think it's good," he said.

"If necessary, the president is called. If necessary, the one who is together with me in that position, the three presidents will also call. There are other ministers there. It's easy," he added.

Moreover, if his statement was wrong, Adian considered that the Presidential Palace should have denied or clarified his statement. Because, he had made a similar statement before on several occasions.

"Until now, why hasn't anyone complained, there is no denial from the palace, or any action to refute it," he concluded.

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