JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, said that his party did not only find the transmission of the corona virus in the implementation of PON XX Papua.

In addition to the findings of 83 COVID-19 cases at the Papua PON as of 11 October, Papuan PON participants also experienced complaints of other diseases, namely malaria and diarrhea.

"Other disease complaints recorded during the PON were 4 cases of malaria and 2 cases of diarrhea," said Wiku in a virtual press conference, Tuesday, October 12.

Wiku said, all parties can take lessons from the implementation of the Papua PON that careful planning is the most crucial thing in organizing a large event in the midst of the COVID-19 storm.

In addition, he said, the evaluation that was followed and carried out after the XX PON can be used as a basis for preparing for future events.

"The results of this evaluation can be used not limited to organizing sporting events, but other events that involve many people to ensure that these activities can take place smoothly and safely from COVID-19," he said.

Previously, the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto explained that out of 83 people who were exposed to COVID-19 during the XX Papua PON, athletes were dominated. While the rest, consisting of officials, referees, and journalists who are doing the coverage.

"Athletes are 72 percent; official 23 percent, coach (coach) 1.5 percent, referee 1.5 percent and there are reporters who cover. Several athletes in sports, which are quite a lot (exposed to COVID-19, ed) are 9 judo athletes , rollerblading. Then seven motocross, archery, and cricket athletes," said Airlangga on Monday, October 11.

Meanwhile, Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin said the increase in active cases in the middle of the sports competition was caused by a number of things. Including, due to the athletes sleeping in one room occupied by more than two people.

"Our observations show that the transmission was caused by four people in the athlete's room inn," said Budi.

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