JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi ensured that two Central Isolation Vessels (Isoter) and four airports remained on standby until D+5 (20 October 2021) the closing of the XX National Sports Week (PON) in Papua. The sea so that the two isoters ships remain in Papua until D+5 the closing of PON XX and ensures that all patients being treated at isoters are handled properly," said Minister of Transportation Budi Karya in a statement monitored in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, October 12. Budi Karya explained that two ships were alerted to support the XX PON activities, namely KM Tidar in Jayapura and KM Sirimau in Merauke. Meanwhile, the four airports are Sentani Airport in Jayapura, Mozes Kilangin Airport in Timika, Domine Eduard Osok Airport in Sorong, and Mopah Airport in Merauke. Minister of Transportation Budi said this was a follow-up to the results of the evaluation of the implementation of PON XX in Papua. The Minister of Transportation, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto, as Chair of the Committee for Handling Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery (KCPEN), asked ministers to continue to monitor the participants who were still in Papua, until D+5 after the closing of the PON on October 15, 2021. KM Tidar has been in Jayapura since August 12, 2021 or before the implementation of the PON, as an isoter place in order to control the COVID-19 pandemic in Jayapura. Meanwhile, KM Sirimau has been in Merauke since September 27, 2021, after ending his duty as an isoter ship in Sorong.

KM Tidar has a capacity of 929 beds (873 beds for patients and 56 beds for health workers), while KM Sirimau has a capacity of 460 beds (449 beds for patients and 11 beds for health workers). filled with a total of 15 people, consisting of 14 people from the PON cluster and 1 (one) person from the general cluster. "The presence of these two isoter ships is expected to help control the spread of COVID-19 in Papua," said the Minister of Transportation. alternative isolation rooms for COVID-19 patients without symptoms, thereby speeding recovery compared to self-isolation at home. In addition, isolation on ships is expected to limit the space for the spread of COVID because patient mobility is only carried out on ships. He said the Ministry of Transportation has also prepared 4 airports and has coordinated with airline operators to facilitate the return of athletes and official teams by implementing health protocols. We have ensured that the return of PON athletes through the airport is in accordance with strict health protocols by both the airport and the airline. We have also implemented the Peduli Protect application and ensured that all those who departed have carried out vaccines and PCR tests," said the Minister of Transportation.

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