SURABAYA - The East Java Provincial Government recorded the lowest death toll from the corona virus (COVID-19) for the past two days.

On Friday, October 8, there were 7 deaths, while Saturday, October 9, there were 8 deaths from COVID-19 patients.

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa said the figure was based on data from the East Java Task Force (Satgas) for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19.

"There is still one death case from Batu City, Surabaya City, Blitar City, Probolinggo Regency, Jember, Malang, Ponorogo and Nganjuk," he said, quoted by Antara, Sunday, October 10.

Meanwhile, for 30 other regencies/cities in East Java, said Khofifah, there were 0 cases of COVID-19 deaths.

"This means that 78.95 percent of areas in East Java have zero deaths," he said.

For this achievement, Khofifah is grateful and expresses her gratitude for the hard work, synergy, prayers and collaboration from health workers, district/city governments, coordination forums for regional leaders throughout East Java, as well as all strategic elements of the community.

"Previously, the lowest number of additional death cases was recorded at 10 to 15 people. Alhamdulillah, the last two days there were under 10 cases and were the cases with the lowest number of additional deaths during the pandemic," he said.

Khofifah explained that there were several things that made the COVID-19 death rate lower in East Java.

One of them is adequate response capabilities, such as sufficient search capacity, supported by the number of testing up to 170,000 per week, and a low positivity rate of 0.49 percent per week.

"As a result, positive confirmed cases can be found early, so that isolation can be done quickly and the possibility of cases spreading to high-risk people can be inhibited. Thus, deaths can be suppressed," said the former Minister of Social Affairs.

However, Khofifah appealed to the public to remain vigilant and always be disciplined in carrying out health protocols, while also continuing to strive for the acceleration of COVID-19 vaccination.

"Discipline in carrying out health protocols and accelerating vaccinations is one of the keys to protecting ourselves and others around us from the transmission of COVID-19. We will continue to strive and pray so that the COVID-19 condition in East Java becomes more sloping and under control," he said.

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