MEDAN - Police shot the perpetrator of the murder of a teacher at an elementary school (SD) in Medan Johor District, Medan City, North Sumatra, named M Ilyas (32) whose body was found rotting in a boarding house. Johor. The perpetrator had to be paralyzed by being shot in the leg because he resisted during development," said Deli Tua Police Chief AKP Zulkifli, as reported by Antara, Saturday, October 9. Katamso, Medan Maimun District. From the results of the interrogation, the perpetrator admitted that he was desperate to commit the murder and theft because he did not accept it because the victim wanted to sodomize the perpetrator.

"At that time the perpetrator was sleeping in the victim's boarding house. But when the perpetrator woke up, he saw the victim was about to sodomize him. The perpetrator then hit the victim's head with a hammer until he died," he explained. After seeing the victim unconscious, the perpetrator then took the victim's cellphone and motorbike. then run away.

"Currently, the body of M Ilyas (32) was found in a boarding house on Jalan Eka Warni, Medan Johon District, Medan City on Friday, October 3. The discovery of the victim's body began with the suspicion of his colleague because the victim had not been to school for four days. Furthermore, the victim's colleagues met with the owner of the boarding house to look for the victim.

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