JAKARTA - The National Police Journalists Forum (FWP) held a social service (baksos) in the form of distributing basic necessities to residents in need. This social service targets orphanages to residents affected by the COVID-19 pandemic who are found on the streets both in Jakarta and in the West Java area.

A total of three locations were chosen for the distribution of basic necessities, namely the Indonesian Panti Foundation (YPI), Tebet, South Jakarta, Vincentius Orphanage, Senen, Central Jakarta and Setialaksana Village, Garon Village RT 003/02, Branchbungin District, West Java.

Not only affected residents, this basic food assistance was also distributed to journalists who often cover daily activities in the Jakarta area, especially the Polda Metro Jaya. The distribution of social services that has been taking place since the last few days is titled 'The Police Journalists Forum Cares for People Affected by the Pandemic with the tagline 'We Share, We Care'.

As for the number of food items distributed, there were 250 food packages. The food packages distributed are also a collaboration between FWP and Polda Metro Jaya.

The Chairperson of the National Police Journalists Forum, Achmad Faruk, said that many people had been affected by this pandemic. "Currently we both feel or are victims of the COVID-19 pandemic. For that, we try to share with others," said Faruk in a written statement to reporters, Friday, October 8.

On the same occasion, the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Yusri Yunus said that this activity was a form of caring for others. Polda Metro Jaya itself supports this activity.

"During this COVID-19 pandemic, we know that many people are affected by the pandemic, many people are in need. For this reason, Polda Metro Jaya supports the Police Journalists Forum who wants to ease the burden on the community by sharing," said Kombes Yusri.

The intended targets in this social service distribution are people in need. In addition to the places that have been targeted, the FWP group also distributes social services randomly or around the streets of Jakarta targeting the homeless, scavengers, public transport drivers and others.

"We also provide assistance to people we meet on the street. And don't forget we also distribute basic necessities and compensation to the families of members who have died," explained Faruk.

The Head of YPI Dormitory, Subana as a representative of the recipients of dozens of basic food packages, welcomed this activity. He said the aid was very useful for orphans.

"We from the Indonesian Orphanage say thank you to journalists, journalists from the Polri Journalists Forum. We have received all donations, they are very useful. We are proud and hope that the journey is always successful," said Subana.

The same thing was conveyed by the Head of the Vincentius Orphanage, Sister Tika who is also the representative of the recipient of this assistance, saying that the basic food assistance from FWP was very useful.

"We thank you very much for your attention and support in the form of gifts for our children here. We are very happy and this is very useful for us. We pray that the Police Journalists Forum will be more advanced and victorious. We wish everyone good health," concluded Sister Tika about FWP social service during this COVID-19 pandemic.

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