JAKARTA - PPP Secretary General Arsul Sani revealed that there were four names who strengthened as candidates for the supervisory board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Three of them are former KPK leaders. Meanwhile, another one is a former Chief Justice.
"If PPP voices what can be considered, for example if there is someone who has been at the KPK, Mr. Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, then there is Prof. Indriyanto Seno Adji, there is also Mas Achmad Santosa," said Arsul at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday ( 17/12).
Meanwhile, Arsul also admitted that it would not be a problem if former KPK leader Taufiqurrahman Ruki served as a member of the supervisory board. However, he said, there would be strong protests coming from anti-corruption activists. One of them, ICW. Because Ruki is the Chief Justice of the PPP.
Arsul said that one more name that strengthened was the former chief justice, namely, Gayus Lumbuun. For Arsul, he does not have a problem with Gayus' background, who was once a PDIP cadre. This is because the cadre status was interrupted for a long time because he became the Supreme Court judge.
"If the others who were also mentioned were Pak Gayus Lumbuun. I think it is okay to let him be a PDIP politician. But it has been a long time ago that he has been a Supreme Court judge and then also a military criminal chamber," he explained.
PPP claims, as a political party that supports President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), there has never been any communication with the palace regarding the KPK supervisory board. Arsul admitted that the Palace also never asked for advice from political parties.
Arsul said the name he mentioned was a suggestion from a group of anti-corruption activists and legal aid workers. However, he was reluctant to reveal who the group in question was.
"Those are the voices that we also hear from various elements of society. Like someone to say, 'good is good, sir'," he said.
PPP Disagrees with KPK Dewas being politicized
PPP emphasized that it would not agree with politicians to become members of the KPK's supervisory board for the first term. However, Arsul has no problem if someone in the next term has a background as a politician, because he will go through a selection committee.
Arsul admitted that he had conveyed his party's stance regarding the KPK dewas to palace representatives in an informal meeting.
The DPR Commission III member argued that there was no name of an active politician so that there was no accusation that the KPK was being politicized. He also appreciated the statement made by the Head of the UN, Yusril Ihza Mahendra, who did not want to become the KPK supervisory board.
"Why is it like that so that there is no accusation that the KPK is being politicized or ridden by political party politicians," he said.
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