JAKARTA - The National Police has responded to public pressure from the KPAI (Indonesian Child Protection Commission) and members of the House of Representatives regarding reports of the rape of 3 children in East Luwu, South Sulawesi whose case handling was stopped. The police reiterated that they are waiting for new evidence to reopen the investigation.

"The National Police or their families will find new evidence that can clarify the case, the Police will follow up", said Head of Public Information Bureau of Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, to reporters, Friday, October 8.

Regarding the emergence of the hashtag 'it's useless to report to the police' (#PercumaLaporPolisi), Brigadier General Rusdi asked what is meant by the term it's useless. Rusdi is sure that the Police will follow up on community reports.

“A lot of people ignore the data, where did it come from? What is clear is that every report from the public who wants police services in the field of law enforcement will definitely be followed up and of course, the police process itself is based on evidence", continued Rusdi.

The handling of the case, continued Rusdi, is based on evidence. If the investigator has found evidence, the community report will be followed up with an investigation process.

"When it is based on evidence and investigators believe there was a criminal act, it will definitely be followed up. But when one report turns out to be insufficient evidence leading to the report and it turns out that the investigators believe that there was no criminal act, of course, the investigator will not continue the report", continued Rusdi.

Previously, the Commissioner of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), Retno Listyarti, asked the police to investigate the alleged rape case of three children in the East Luwu Regency. This sexual violence was allegedly perpetrated by his own biological father.

"KPAI condemns the rape perpetrated by a father against his three daughters. KPAI encourages the police to thoroughly investigate this case", said Retno to VOI, Friday, October 8.

According to Retno, perpetrators could be subject to violations of the Child Protection Law. Given that the perpetrator is the closest person to the victim, the punishment can be imposed by a third heavier.

"Considering that parents should protect their children, they should not become perpetrators of sexual violence against their children", said Retno.

For information, a mother with the initials RA reported a case of alleged rape of three of her daughter with the perpetrator of her own biological father. This father with the initials SA is said to have a position in a regional government office.

This case occurred in East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi. RA once reported her ex-husband's immoral actions to the police in October 2019.

However, it turned out that the investigators of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the East Luwu Police were deemed to have found no evidence of sexual violence experienced by the three RA children who were under the age of 10.

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