Central Java - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo inaugurated the Head of the Central Java Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) Sumarno as the definitive Central Java Regional Secretary which was the result of the auction process for his previous position.

"We in the regions only have the authority to select, we choose three candidates and they are given to President Joko Widodo who determines, there is a final decision team that chooses," said Ganjar after inaugurating the definitive Central Java Regional Secretary at the Gradhika Bhakti Praja Building, Semarang, Antara, Friday, October 8th.

According to him, whoever becomes the president's choice will be accepted because the three candidates who passed the selection of the Central Java Regional Secretary through a job auction are the best candidates.

Ganjar asked the Secretary of Central Java, Sumarno, to step on the gas immediately and in the condition of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is starting to improve, recovery activities must be increased.

"There were many things that yesterday we had to lag behind, especially related to the economy, so I ask for this to be corrected immediately. In addition, the scenario of adapting to new habits must also be sorted out," he said.

According to Ganjar, the urgent thing to do now is to make an action plan related to budget politics so that the Central Java Regional Secretary must immediately design a budget to the fullest.

"I am optimistic because the new Secretary of State is very strong in terms of 'finance'. In the Finance Bureau, he has taken a long time so that designing finances in difficult conditions can definitely be done," he said.

Thus, Ganjar continued, the strategy for dealing with the turbulence of the pandemic is expected to be optimal, and the community's economy will soon grow.

"One thing that must not be forgotten. Keep the integrity, state ideology, and really become a service bureaucracy," he said.

Sumarno was elected as the definitive Secretary of Central Java after competing closely with a number of other candidates and in the final selection of three names submitted to President Jokowi, Sumarno was selected from other candidates, namely Head of Central Java ESDM Office Sujarwanto and Head of Central Java BPSDM Arief Irwanto.

Meanwhile, Central Java Regional Secretary Sumarno admitted that this position was a very heavy mandate, but because he was given the confidence he would work optimally in carrying out the mandate.

"For work steps, of course we will immediately coordinate and consolidate with our friends. The regional secretary is more of a coordinator, the technical implementers are SKPD friends. So we immediately consolidate and accelerate what the governor and deputy governor want can be achieved," he said.

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