Friday Sharing, Tanjung Duren Police Chief Sympathizes With Orphans Victims Of COVID-19 In Flood Village, West Jakarta
Tanjung Duren Police Chief Kompol Rosana Albertina Labobar/ Photo: VOI

JAKARTA - Tanjung Duren Police Chief Commissioner Rosana Albertina Labobar provides compensation to orphans who are victims of COVID-19 in Flood Kanal Village, No. 2, RT 01/01, Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta.

"There are two orphans named Tribuana Dewi Larasati (9) and Ditha Ratna Maya (5) who are victims of the impact of COVID-19. We provide assistance to them," said the Police Chief, Friday, October 8.

Kompol Icha, as he is familiarly called, said that the two orphans left by their mother died due to exposure to COVID-19.

"This compensation is a form of the police's concern for people affected by COVID-19," he said.

Compensation given in the form of basic necessities, children's clothes and pocket money from the police. The aid was handed over to the victim's father who is still alive.

The assistance, said Kompol Ocha, is expected to reduce the burden on the affected families. Especially now that we are still in a state of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Citizens must continue to comply with health protocols after the easing of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM)," he said.

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