JAKARTA - The Satreskrim Polres Karawang Regency, West Java arrested a father who had the heart to have sex with his own biological child in the Rengasdengklok District. "We have arrested the perpetrators a few days ago, and are now detained at the Karawang Police Headquarters," said Head of the local Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Oliestha Ageng Wicaksana, in Karawang, reported by Antara, Friday, October 8. A father who molested his son had the initials SP alias Acong. When questioned, the person concerned admitted that he had twice molested his 15-year-old biological son.

The perpetrator molested his child in a rented room in the Rengasdengklok sub-district on Tuesday, September 28 in the morning. "At that time the victim was sleeping, and the perpetrator entered the room through the window of his rented house. Then woke the victim, then asked the victim to have intercourse," said Kasatreskrim The victim was forced to serve the depraved lust of his biological father because he was threatened with death if he refused to have sex. the second is the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2002, concerning the protection of children into law.

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