JAKARTA - PT Bio Farma (Persero) stated that the price of the COVID-19 vaccine is in the range of 5-10 per US dollar or the equivalent of IDR 73,500 to IDR 147,000 per dose (rupiah exchange rate of IDR 14,700 per US dollar).

"For a temporary estimate, the price is in the range of US $ 5-10," said Bio Farma Corporate Secretary Bambang Heriyanto to VOI, Wednesday, July 23.

For information, Bio Farma has brought in a COVID-19 vaccine made by a Chinese company, Sinovac. Bio Farma received 2,400 vaccines on 19 July 2020.

Furthermore, Bio Farma will conduct the third phase of clinical trials which are scheduled to start in August and run for six months. The clinical trial process is targeted for completion in January 2021.

After the third phase of clinical trials is completed and meets the requirements, the holding for the BUMN Pharmaceuticals will start producing vaccines.

President Director of PT Bio Farma, Honesti Basyir, said that the company will prepare vaccine production of 100 million-500 million doses per year in the future.

"But for the first phase, in accordance with the target of the first clinical trial in January and the release permit, we are targeting completion of around 40 million doses per year," said Honesti.

To speed up the distribution permit process, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) will accompany the phase three clinical trial process.

"We will accompany the clinical trial process so that there is an acceleration in granting distribution permits," said the Head of BPOM Penny Lukito.

Meanwhile, Erick Thohir, Chair of the Policy Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery, reminded the public to adhere to health protocols even though the COVID-19 vaccine was the result of collaboration between PT Bio Farma and the Chinese biopharmaceutical company, Sinovac.

"We will ensure that there will be a vaccine, but I ask the public to be disciplined so that we can continue to anticipate the spread of COVID-19," said Erick in a press conference broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat YouTube account, Tuesday, July 21.

The public, he continued, still have to wear masks, keep their distance, wash their hands, and apply other health protocols to prevent transmission of COVID-19.

Moreover, although the rate of cure continues to increase, the number of additional positive cases of COVID-19 continues to occur in the community.

"Don't even assume that when there is a positive atmosphere, whether vaccines or cures will improve, it's time for us to live normally like before," said the BUMN Minister.

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