SIAK - Siak Regency, Riau, received an award for being the first winner of the clean city/district competition during the commemoration of World Ozone Day at the Riau province level at the Sultan Syarif Kasim Forest Nature Tourism Tahura, Minas.

"Alhamdulillah, today we received the Siak Sri Indrapura City award or the cleanest district capital at the Riau Province level in 2021 at the World Ozone Day commemoration event at the Riau Province level," said Siak Deputy Regent Husni Merza, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, October 6.

According to him, this success was achieved thanks to the cooperation of all parties, the government, the business community who continue to maintain good hygiene.

However, said Husni, the main thing to keep the parks and streets clean in the capital city of Siak district, cannot be separated from the role of green troops or city janitors who clean the streets of garbage every day.

"This deserves our appreciation. Apart from that, to keep this city beautiful, clean and the urban forest maintained, public awareness is also needed to dispose of waste in its place," said Husni.

The Vice Regent of Siak also congratulated the four schools in Siak who won the award from the Governor of Riau in the category of environmentally friendly school (Adiwiyata) at the Riau Province level in 2021.

The schools are SD Negeri 003 Banjar Seminai, District Dayun, SD Negeri 003 Muara Kelantan Sungai Mandau, SD Negeri 015 Rantau Panjang, Koto Gasib and SMP Negeri 7 Kandis with a score of 84.07.

Husni invited all schools to green the school environment by planting useful trees and fruits.

"In the future, if it is large, it can contribute oxygen which is beneficial for us," he said.

Meanwhile, Riau Governor Syamsuar conveyed the commemoration of World Ozone Day at the Riau Province level to control the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances. It is hoped that this will remind the concern of the international community.

"In order for the ozone layer as a protective layer of the Earth to be maintained, developed and developing countries, including Indonesia, have a full commitment to maintaining the material protocol. The actions of the countries party to the material protocol have prevented cases of skin cancer in the world, eye cataracts, the death of phytoplankton (source) food for small fish), marine biota and decreased immunity of the human body," he explained.

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