SURABAYA - The East Java Provincial Government has established bilateral cooperation with the Danish government, especially in the field of investment in various business sectors.

Head of the East Java Provincial Government's Investment and One Stop Service, Aris Mukiyo, said that the sectors that attracted the Danish government were tourism, industry and agriculture.

"The point is that East Java is very open and positively welcomes countries that want to work with us," said Aris when receiving the visit of the Danish Ambassador to Indonesia HE Lars Bo Larsen, who was accompanied by Danish Deputy Ambassador to Indonesia Soren Bindesboll at the East Java Governor's Office, Jalan Pahlawan. Surabaya quoted by Antara, Wednesday, October 6.

In addition, said Aris, other potentials that can be worked on in East Java and attract the attention of the Danish Ambassador entourage to Indonesia are industry, transportation, agro and maritime industries.

During the meeting, Aris conveyed greetings from the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, who could not meet in person because he was attending other activities.

"Representing Governor Khofifah, we explain the potential of East Java, and are ready to bridge cooperation between the East Java Provincial Government and Denmark," he said.

Aris is sure that this cooperation will give positive results, especially on economic growth in East Java.

Danish Ambassador to Indonesia HE Lars Bo Larsen appreciated the meeting. According to him, Indonesia and Denmark have similarities in the maritime sector.

Therefore, Larsen wants to focus on that sector. "We have a vision to build the shipping industry," he said, while hoping that the industry would become the largest in Asia.

"Denmark will send experts to support the plan. Hopefully, the industry that is built has a strong technology base. It will attract the attention of markets around Asia and Southeast Asia," he said.

At the meeting, Larsen also expressed his desire to establish a Danish Consulate General Office in Surabaya. This step is to support the projected cooperation between Denmark and the Provincial Government of East Java.

Meanwhile, this bilateral cooperation is not the first time that the East Java Provincial government has explored, and there are several countries that are doing the same thing, such as Morocco, the Netherlands, and India.

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