MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution inspects the process of concreting Jalan Pancing, Medan Labuhan. Bobby Nasution conducted an inspection from afternoon to evening to ensure that the concreting was going well.

Accompanied by the Acting Head of the Public Works Agency, Ferri Ichsan and the Head of Medan Labuhan Rudi Asriandi, the Mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution directly checked the condition of the concrete road.

Not only that, Bobby Nasution also checked the drainage channels and instructed the Public Works Department staff to keep the roads that will be concreted connected to the existing drainage channels so that water can still flow in order to prevent damage to the roads that have been concreted due to puddles.

After conducting a review, Bobby Nasution said that the road was concreted to respond to complaints from residents who had been complaining that their roads were damaged and had potholes so that they could be repaired immediately. Because all this time, even if it is fixed, it always gets damaged again because it is unable to withstand the tonnage load of heavy vehicles that pass.

"Today, we are seeing and directly reviewing the concrete work for Pancing 1 road which is being carried out by the Public Works Department. So far, many people have complained and want this road to be repaired. Thank God there are not too many obstacles in the process. I also remind that the process must also pay attention to quality," said Bobby Nasution, quoted from a statement from the Medan City Government Kominfo Service, Wednesday, October 6.

To ensure that the quality of the concrete on the road is good, Bobby Nasution also asked the Medan City Public Works Agency to fix the drainage on the side of the road. Bobby Nasution wants roads and drainage to be synchronized so that roads are not damaged when there are puddles of water.

"Earlier, we discussed more about water disposal and drainage if the road works are quite good, the progress is +6 percent. This means that the specified target has reached +6 percent. So hopefully this can be completed quickly and can be enjoyed by the community," he explained.

Bobby Nasution also targets that the road construction will be completed in December according to the contract.

"We really hope that the work here is of good quality so that there are no more complaints regarding puddles under this toll road and there are no more complaints about damaged roads here," he explained.

Meanwhile, Acting Head of the Public Works Agency, Ferri Ichsan, explained that the road that will be carried out with concreting is 1,180 meters long. Later, the concrete will be carried out in three lanes with a concrete quality of 30 MPa and a thickness of 25 cm.

"Why do we use concrete because this road is often traversed by heavy equipment vehicles, so we have to adjust the construction of the net to the existing traffic," explained Ferri.

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