JAKARTA - United States President Joe Biden said he had held talks on Taiwan with Chinese President Xi Jinping and agreed to abide by the Taiwan Agreement on Tuesday, as tensions between Beijing and Taipei continue.

"I've spoken with President Xi about Taiwan. We agree, we will abide by the Taiwan agreement," he said, citing Reuters on Oct. 6.

"We made it clear that I don't think he should do anything but stick to the agreement," said President Joe Biden.

President Biden appeared to be referring to the long-standing 'one-China policy' of officially recognizing Beijing rather than Taipei, and the Taiwan Relations Act, which describes the United States' decision to establish diplomatic ties with Beijing, instead of relying on Taiwan's hope that Taiwan's future will determined by peaceful means.

The comments to reporters at the White House were made after President Biden returned from a trip to Michigan, amid an escalation in Taiwan-China relations.

The Bamboo Curtain Country claims Taiwan as its own territory, which must be taken by force if necessary. Meanwhile, Taiwan says it is an independent country, and will defend freedom and democracy, blaming China for tensions.

Taiwan has reported 148 Chinese Air Force aircraft in the south and southwest of the air defense zone over a four-day period starting on Friday, the same day China marks a major patriotic holiday, the 72nd National Day.

In response, the United States urged China on Sunday to halt its military activities near Taiwan.

"The United States is deeply concerned by the People's Republic of China's provocative military activities near Taiwan, which destabilize, miscalculate, and undermine regional peace and stability," State Department spokesman Ned Price said in a statement on Sunday.

President Joe Biden also referenced a 90-minute call he had with President Xi Jinping on September 9, their first talks in seven months, during which the two leaders discussed the need to ensure the rivalry between the world's two largest economies does not trade conflict.

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