BOGOR - Bogor West Java Regent Ade Yasin admitted that it was difficult to reach people in remote areas in carrying out COVID-19 vaccinations. Moreover, with the highest target at the regional level, namely 4.2 million people or 8.5 million doses of vaccine.

"Our area is a mountainous area and also hamlets, so it's difficult, so I got a report from the village head about the reach of the community to the village. So there are two to three kilometers if they can't walk," said Bogo Regent Ade Yasin, quoted by Antara. , Tuesday, October 5th.

He asked Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Pandjaitan for assistance to find solutions and additional operational funds for handling COVID-19 for vaccinators, in reaching remote locations in Bogor Regency.

Ade Yasin said that the remotest area with the lowest vaccination rate was Sukajaya District, the realization was only 8,638 vaccinations from the target of 38,480 in the period 10 September - 5 October.

Sukajaya District is the outermost area of Bogor Regency which is bordered by two other areas, namely Lebak Regency, Banten and Sukabumi Regency, West Java. In the sub-district there are still many areas that cannot be accessed by vehicles.

Ade Yasin admitted that he had made various efforts to increase public interest in vaccination, one of which was collaborating with habib and ulama to become influencers of vaccination involvement.

Then, the Bogor Regency Government has also received an additional 600 vaccinators after cooperating with various health worker organizations. Previously there were only about 1,076 vaccinators.

"Yesterday there was also an addition from the Army of around 100 health workers (vaccinators) who were divided into four teams," he said.

The chairman of the Bogor Regency COVID-19 Task Force remains optimistic in vaccinating 70 percent of the population or 4.2 million people, equivalent to the obligation to inject 8.5 million doses of vaccine.

"God willing, December will be over, because we have a large population. Young people must also become influencers for vaccination and we will prepare the vaccine as needed," said the Head of the Bogor Regency COVID-19 Handling Task Force.

According to him, now the progress of vaccination in Bogor Regency is 29.5 percent or 2.49 million doses of vaccination. The percentage looks minimal, because the population of Bogor Regency is the largest at the regional level, which is 5.4 million people in 2021.

However, the vaccination rate for Bogor Regency is above other cities, such as Bogor City which has reached 82 percent, the vaccination rate is only around 1.4 million doses.

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