JAKARTA - Positive cases of COVID-19 in Jakarta have risen again after previously decreasing. To reduce transmission rates, Jakarta has again extended the large-scale transitional social restrictions (PSBB) to 30 July.

However, Chairman of the Jakarta Entertainment Entrepreneurs Association (Aspija) Hana Suryani asked the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan to allow the operation of night entertainment venues again.

"We ask that our business be reopened with us carrying out the COVID-19 prevention protocol provided. This is for the survival of employees as well," Hana said when contacted, Monday, July 20.

Hana said that entrepreneurs in nightclubs such as discotheques, karaoke, bars, live music, and massage parlors are no longer able to maintain their business amidst the uncertainty of operations.

In fact, said Hana, all employees at the nightclub got termination of employment (PHK) because employers had no income to pay their employees.

"At first there were some businesses that had not been laid off. But, in June, they finally gave up. Including large entertainment venues, they also gave up because all were completely closed," he said.

Hana said, with the reopening of nightclubs, the regional cash from taxes could increase. This, said Hana, can also restore the economy.

"We are economic wheelers and the biggest tax contributor. Why don't we want to hear Pak Anies? Billions of people are investing here (nightlife spots)," said Hana.

Despite urging the reopening of night entertainment venues, Hana admitted that she had not prepared a COVID-19 prevention protocol that would be implemented when nightclubs reopen. He submitted the preparation of this guide to the DKI Provincial Government.

"The protocol is not from us. The protocol from the Jakarta Tourism Office is the regulator because there is action. If it is wrong, it will be dealt with. It is just the agreement," Hana closed.

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