SUKABUMI - The Sukabumi Police Narcotics Unit, West Java, arrested a state civil servant (ASN) who works as a teacher at an elementary school in Surade District, Sukabumi Regency, for being an addict and possessing marijuana.

"From the suspect's hands we confiscated evidence of 46 grams of dried marijuana leaves, a pack of papyrus paper, a cellphone, and a dagger," said Sukabumi Police Chief AKBP Dedy Darmawansyah Nawiputra in Sukabumi, as reported by Antara, Monday, October 4.

According to Dedy, the teacher with the initials DP obtained marijuana from someone who is currently being chased by the Sukabumi Police Satnarkoba officers. His party is still developing cases of narcotics trafficking of marijuana types that ensnared the unscrupulous teacher.

In addition, it turns out that the suspect is an ASN and is still actively teaching class IV subjects at a public elementary school in Surade District. DP's act of becoming a marijuana addict is very unfortunate, especially as his profession as a teacher. From the results of the investigation, the suspect has been consuming marijuana for a long time and is a pure user. However, his party continues to develop this case, especially since recently the personnel who served in the drug unit also arrested an active ASN person who served as the village secretary.

"There are various ways that dealers do to get these illicit goods into the hands of consumers, therefore the role of the community is very important to help us uncover various cases of illicit trafficking and abuse of narcotics and illegal drugs," he added.

As a result of his actions, this unscrupulous teacher is threatened with being fired from his status as an ASN and hiding behind bars for a minimum of four years and a maximum of life in accordance with the articles he is charged with, namely Article 114 and/or Article 111 and/or Article 112 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 years. 2009 on Narcotics.

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