JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya will forcibly pick up apartment managers in the Pulo Gebang area, East Jakarta. The forced pick-up was carried out because the manager did not fulfill the summons for an examination regarding the practice of online prostitution.

"They haven't answered the call. If they don't come, the order will be brought," said Kanit 4 of the Sub-Directorate of Renakta at the Ditreskrimum of the Polda Metro Jaya Kompol Dedi when confirmed, Monday, October 4.

In fact, said Dedi, inspection of apartment managers is very important. Because, from the inspection it can be known the party in charge of the apartment environment.

"Meanwhile, the management used to be one person first. From there it was found out who was responsible for the environment, whether there was a connection with them or not," said Dedi.

"Who is in charge of the tower. It's not just one tower, because there are classes," he continued.

Previously, Polda Metro Jaya conducted a raid on the practice of online prostitution of minors in an apartment in Pulo Gebang, East Jakarta. The raid was carried out on the basis of a report from the parents of one of the victims on Tuesday, September 28.

The parents of the complainant make a police report at the SPKT Polda Metro Jaya. The reason the victim's parents made the report was because their child with the initials MF (17) left the house without permission with his friend and never came home. It happened early September.

Then on Friday, September 24, the victim's parents saw their child's photo on the MiChat social media account, which offers online prostitution services.

Based on the report, the Sub-Directorate of the Renakta of the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the Metro Jaya Police carried out a raid on the practice of prostitution in the apartment on Wednesday, September 29.

A total of three child victims of sexual exploitation were secured from the location of the raid, namely MF (17), SIR (16), and AJ (17). Meanwhile, two pimps with the initials MH (17) and DZH (17) were also arrested.

Both of them used the mode of making the victim as a girlfriend and then invited to the apartment. Next, pimps peddle victims through the MiChat app.

The police secured evidence in the form of BO (booking) money worth Rp600 thousand, two unused condoms, cellphones, screenshots (screenshots) of the MiChat chat application, and birth certificates.

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